VAL Development Portfolio Building on the success of this initial project, Virtuo Group reinforces its ambition and launches a second partnership in 2022 with Axa IM.Virtuo AM acts as asset manager for a portfolio of 6 logistics platforms representing a total of 165,000 m² as part of a Core + strategy. 4 platforms will be delivered in 2022 and 2023, with the last 2 under development. Virtuo Asset Management aims for sustainable excellence:100% of the portfolio equipped with solar panelsBREEAM Construction Excellent certification targeted for 2/3 of the portfolioApplication of the French “Décret Tertiaire” (Tertiary Decree) and anticipation of the implementation of the « Décret BACS» V.PARK Arles 1 (13) V.PARK Arles 2 (13) V.PARK Châteaudun (28) V.PARK Chevrolière (44) V.PARK Sénas (13) V.PARK Silly-le-Long (60) Our achievments Olympe portfolio